32mm Roller Refurb Set (Louvolite) Blue Pin Medium Duty
Replacement Control unit, Push pin idle end, Brackets and Control Chain in a continuous loop set to Required Length with Chain Connector for easy length reduction, for 32mm single slotted Roller blind tube. These are Original Equipment and high quality replacement parts with Easi-Load action to easily attach the operating chain. The control unit is Blue Pin which denotes Medium duty for standard size roller blinds. Extra large or heavy blinds would require the alternative 32mm Double spring unit with Red Pin, which is available also. SIZE IDENTIFICATION CAN BE SEEN ON CURVED INNER FACE OF CHAIN SHROUD.
The loop chain is supplied in Zinc plated No.10 metal ball chain or White plastic No.10 ball chain with bead connector.
PLEASE NOTE: EXACT DROP OF LOOP CHAIN IS LINEAR LENGTH DIVIDED BY 2. (i.e A 1000mm Required drop loop chain is 2000mm linear length)